Darin Eich
Director of Instruction and Assessment
605-647-2203 Ext. 4002


The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires that all school districts provide transparency in regards to how its learners are assessed. In compliance with ESSA, as well as State and Federal Department of Education mandates, the Lennox School District has made public a list of assessments, their purpose, and approximate time frame. Please select the link "District Assessment Notification" on the left to view the document. The results of assessments administered by the Lennox School District and its staff can be made available to parents/guardians upon request and, when applicable, will be sent home in the form of a score report. Any questions regarding assessments can be directed to Darin Eich, Director Instruction and Assessment at 605-647-2202 Ext. 4002.

The Board of Education has adopted a policy on approval and denial of state and federal assessment opt-out requests, which is based on requirements in law. South Dakota law prohibits opting out of certain state assessments, such as Smarter Balanced. Policy 5018 can be requested by contacting the testing coordinator for each building or can be viewed online.