JH-HS Weekly Update - 8-27-21

8/27/21 – WEEKLY UPDATE from the JH-HS 

Lennox JH-HS Students, Parents and Guardians: 

ACT Prep Class

Lennox High School is partnering with Sylvan Learning Center to offer our ACT Prep class this year.  Students planning to attend must commit to attending all test sessions and register for the December ACT exam.  Please sign up with Mr. Breske by the end of the day on Monday, 8/31.

LHS Student Council News

Welcome back LHS! Student Council is again rewarding our awesome fans with a Fan of the Week contest. Student Council will be in the stands taking note of fans that go all out by dressing up appropriately with the theme, cheering appropriately, and representing LHS with respect. Student Council will consider all games during the week then vote on the winner to be announced Monday morning. The winner will receive a traveling crown to wear at the next week’s games as well as a Powerade and a candy. The theme for this week’s football game is Dad.

Homecoming Week News

Homecoming is the week of September 20-24.  This year’s theme is Oriole Olympics.  More news about dress-up days and other activities will be coming soon!


ARE YOU A HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT INTERESTED IN HEALTHCARE/NURSING? USD NURSING IS EXCITED TO OFFER YOU AN ESCAPE ROOM - NURSING STYLE! They will be here September 15 from 8:30 am to 10 am. There is a sign-up sheet outside of Mr. Chris Kruse's room for a 15-minute time slot! It is only available for the first 36 people that sign-up... so, act today. 

FFA News

We will be having a Back-to-School event for all 7th, 8th, and 9th grade students and parents on Saturday, September 11th going 5PM to 8PM. We will be having yard games, showing off the FFA program, and hosting a Q&A with students and parents about FFA. We will have burgers and hot dogs for everyone. We would like to get an count on how many people for food purposes. Please click on the link to RSVP to the event https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdnXJeZNr_m2t0olHv99AyJaPyg8kYu5mc2uGvt171XZNtEEQ/viewform?usp=sf_link

Daily Attendance

Please be sure to call the JH-HS office if your student will be late, needs to leave early or will be gone for the entire day due to illness, appointments, etc.  Darci Granum – Attendance Secretary – 647-2203 (ext. 5001).

Breakfast and Lunch

Breakfast is served daily from 7:45-8:15. Student meals, breakfast, and lunch, are available at no cost again this year.  Ala Carte items and second entrees are available for additional cost.

Picture Retake Day

If you missed our District Registration/Picture Day last week or want a picture retaken, Scherling Photography will be back on the morning of September 8 to do picture retakes. 

From the Tech Department

Parents wanting access to Campus to check grades should contact Dawn.Timmerman@k12.sd.us for their username/password.